Project Management

Read a wholistic, meaningful and apt definition of project management. Thought I will put it up here:

"A project manager needs to ensure that team members understand the larger objective and success factors of the project and how his/her contribution impacts those factors. Involvement of members, depending on their role, in decision making helps build a sense of commitment and belonging. Public and informal appreciation of even the smallest contribution towards project goals satisfies the human need for self-esteem and respect of others. Above all, it is vital to have fun at work - an open & honest work environment helps strengthen team engagement."

I only wish many more project managers are sensitive enough to understand & apply the above lines in practice.

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jaya gupta said...

I strongly agree to your thought that "Public and informal appreciation of even the smallest contribution towards project goals satisfies the human need for self esteem."

I would like to add that the manager should not feel insecure and should give maximum control of project to all the team members.

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