My Darling Friend

This a poem by best friend Vidya wrote for me, thought I will put it up here.

My darling friend

My darling friend, a fine person you are,
Close to my heart, yet so far,
You fill my life with so much love,
Blessing of mine, sent from above.

You make me smile, you make life so fine,
I'm glad you are there, I'm glad you're mine.
My heart does sigh, we missed times together,
But now we don't, we have one another.

Love and trust, does our lives bind,
Where will you such friendship ever find !
As life tumbles into paths anew,
Be there for me, I'll be there for you.

Dedicated to Viji, my close and indeed darling friend, who touched my heart with a lovely card, and touched my soul by her mere presence in my life

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Project Management

Read a wholistic, meaningful and apt definition of project management. Thought I will put it up here:

"A project manager needs to ensure that team members understand the larger objective and success factors of the project and how his/her contribution impacts those factors. Involvement of members, depending on their role, in decision making helps build a sense of commitment and belonging. Public and informal appreciation of even the smallest contribution towards project goals satisfies the human need for self-esteem and respect of others. Above all, it is vital to have fun at work - an open & honest work environment helps strengthen team engagement."

I only wish many more project managers are sensitive enough to understand & apply the above lines in practice.

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Anne Frank: Reminded me of myself

I was reading the book “ Anne Frank – The Diary of a young girl”.

This is diary of a 13 year old young Jewish girl who had to go into hiding just few months after her 13th birthday along with her family and one more family. She had got the dairy as her birthday gift.

Anne Frank led a normal joyful life in Holland as any other teenage girl of her age. But things started changing when Nazi regiment became more rampant. Anti-Jewish decrees followed each other in quick succession. Jews must wear a yellow star, Jew kids should attend schools meant only for them, Jews cannot use trams, cinema halls, swimming pools; have to return home by 8, they cant even sit in their own gardens beyond eight. The list was endless.

As time passed the Nazi regiment became more aggressive and started giving summons randomly to many Jewish families, which only meant concentration camps, lonely cells, torture & gas chambers.

During those difficult times Anne’s family fled into a hiding, a place in Anne’s Dad’s office in Amsterdam which was their emergency plan. In this secret annex, cut off from outside world the family faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters and the ever present threat of discovery and death.

But Anne continued to write about her experiences in her diary which she called Kitty. Its amazingly moving, thoughtful and sometimes amusing as well. Its a portrait of a young and sensitive young woman and her undying human spirit even in the life’s worst conditions.

But there was one entry of her diary that haunted me for days after I had closed the book. It was an entry made on April 4, 1944 where she says “Dear Kitty, I don’t want to live in vain. I want to be useful to people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death” God, what a thought!!

As I read this entry strangely my thoughts drifted to my childhood and what I wanted to become at that time. My hearts thumps and Goosebumps set in as it dawns over me that my desires were exactly the same as Anne’s !!

I had no clue, if I wanted to become doctor, engineer, lawyer, teacher or anything. But one thing I was clear was, I wanted to do something big, be useful to as many people as possible, and even those whom I don’t know.
Even as a kid, strangely I had no desire or longed to celebrate my birthday. But I remember very well, on every teacher’s day and children’s day I used to say to myself that even I have to do something great, that others celebrate my birthday long after I am gone.

Even today, the desire remains intact. Hope I have that the right talent and make something useful out of my life. Hope I will be useful to as many people as possible, touch as many lives as I can and I continue to live on long after I am gone!!.

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